Theoretization in Sociological Studies


Social concepts are essentially complicated and diverse. for this reason, theorization on this issues has been always controversial. What is necessary in addressing these issues is the emphasis on different views expressed by thinkers. It should be recognized that today different variables in the Process of analyzing social problems tend to theorize and mere emphasis on some classical theories for understanding complicated social problems is not instrumental. On the other hand, the promotion of theorization in solving social problems has created new needs and questions beyond the capacity of the discipline of sociology and hence challenged its existence and efficiency. Naturally, we cannot rely upon those things which so far contributed to the growth and development of sociology and its relevant branches such as political sociology and to the creation of existing frameworks within micro and macro sociology. Today, social sciences scholars are in the borderline between empirical research and philosophical analysis, and pursue two main goals: deepening our philosophical understanding of sociology duo to theoretization in this discipline, and setting the ground for advancement in this discipline through laying the basis of theoretical thought, and accurate analyses. While taking a glance at the classical sociological theories, this article tries to study the status of theorization in sociology as a set of a priori attempts involving theoretical activities regarding the relationships between new social variable, affected by social problems.
