Ex-Post Evaluation Urban Community Initiative in European Community (1994-1999)


This article aims to establish the processes and factors that have had an impact on the effectiveness of the URBAN programmes, based on an assessment of 56 URBAN programmes and 2 UPPs. In addition, this section also presents the types of networking activities undertaken by the various URBAN programmes and the factors that have impacted on their effectiveness. The criteria for the assessment of the effectiveness of each of the URBAN programmes derived from both the original objectives of the CI established at the European level and member-state specific success criteria. The latter reflected the differing issues faced and various levels of expectation. Of the sampled programmes, 72% were judged to have been very successful or mostly successful. The majorities of each of the three main types of strategy were judged to have been successful. Around a third of URBAN I areas that adopted ‘flagship’ strategies were considered successful. As a result of the variety across member states, the factors that either supported or hindered the success of the programmes were many.;
