Securitization of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia Cyber-Tensions; Threats and Strategic Requirements


With the securitization of cyber-discourse, the Islamic Republic of Iran will be engaged in a crisis and failure to adopt appropriate strategies against it will lead to possible international threats such as the nuclear dossier. Following the events of 2011 in West Asia and North Africa, the systematic tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia overflowed into cyberspace. On August.15, 2015, during cyber tension between Iran and Saudi, Aramco′s, cyber-equipment on a large scale was hacked. American experts have identified Iran′s as the cause of these attacks. After this event, the Islamic Republic of Iran′s cyber-discourse were exposed to securitization by Saudi allies, especially, the United States. These countries by ignoring Saudi Arabia′s cyber-attacks against Iran, have considered attacks on Saudi Arabia′s cyber-equipment (they believe that Iran is the main cause of these attacks) as a potential threat to most countries in the world.
