Explaining Relationship Between Effective Environmental Factors and Cultural Strategic Planning


Ever-increasing speed of changes in various areas, new knowledge and skills, ever-increasing contacts between culture and expanding communication networks in the field of culture and thought have made new challenges and opportunities at the national and international levels, thus, finding economic, political and cultural laws regarding this phenomenon has been considered by governments. Governments should pay attention to the formation of a new kind of worldwide society in the framework of general strategies and politics. The governing system needs cultural strategic planning in order to protect, spread and exchange the society’s culture. Along with the development of this planning, it is important to pay attention to effective environmental factors, because in case of not recognizing and distinguishing environmental factors properly, problems will be appeared in performing and executing programs. In this article, effective environmental factors on cultural strategic planning have been considered in three branches of economical, political and technological factors. This article is extracted from a research that is based on gathering data from questionnaires which were filled in by managers, experts and specialists of Islamic Propaganda Organization, High Council of Cultural Revolution and Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. This article includes a main hypothesis and three sub-hypotheses. The results of statistical analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between effective environmental factors and cultural strategic planning. Then, economic, political and technological factors were ranked and at the end, the analytical research model was tested and analyzed in Lisrel Software and the model was confirmed.
