The Challenge in Education of Qualitative Content Methodology in Urbanism Studies (Quality Analysis to the Reliability of Results)


According to the qualitative nature of intervening phenomena in the urban environment, studies in urban areas are required to use qualitative research methods. Despite all the strengths of qualitative research in environmental studies, validity and reliability of this method is neglected by the researchers in most urban studies. As a result, the findings of the research, which led to the implementation of programs and urban development projects, have encountered fundamental weaknesses. Due to the attributes, methods and the process of qualitative research, the following questions arise: What is the role of validity and reliability in the findings of qualitative research in the context of urban studies?; What are the challenges and what are the responsive approaches in return? This paper analyzes the reliability of qualitative research in urbanism engineering studies with an analytical approach and with an emphasis on both educational and research aspects of research methodology. Major challenges in urbanism studies can be classified as initial research challenges, research analysis challenges and the end of research challenges. On the one hand, to strengthen aspects of the research and education and, on the other hand, to eliminate of aforementioned challenges, approaches such as improvement pf the education of research methodology in urbanism, research-based teaching of the models and quantitative software and
