The United States’ Media Manipulation Regarding Iran’s Nuclear Program: A Case Study of Voice of America (VOA)


Creating crisis has been the United States’ primary policy regarding Iran’s nuclear program. The U.S. media diplomacy has played a unique role in creating the Iranian nuclear crisis and its aftermath. During the past few years, media, as the most significant agent of the U.S. media diplomacy, have manipulated the global public opinion by propagating the alleged Iranian approach to producing nuclear bombs. The primary objective of the present study is to analyze these media manipulations. Outlining the fundamental role played by the Voice of America in producing and preserving the Iranian nuclear dispute, we have conducted a content analysis of this longstanding American channel. The required data are gathered using library, archival, and internet sources. Finally, clarifying the methods used to create disputes around Iranian nuclear program, we have presented the areas being affected by the media manipulation and its different dimensions
