Man, Energy, Environment and Look to the Future


Futures studies and their uses in universal dimensions during the last two decades have become prevalent in developing countries. As a result, to set goals and to formulate strategic planning, many workgroups consisting of involved thinkers and experts have been formed. Also, during the history of life on earth, many factors have played a significant role, but among them, the three elements of man, energy and environment have been more essential. This article tries to analyze the changing trends of these elements over the time and their mutual effects, drawing upon statistical reports published by international organizations in energy, environment, natural disasters, population, water, food and security sectors. It is followed by an estimate of the world situation in the near future, taking challenges, inadequacies and possible dangers into consideration. Finally, efforts made by international organizations to provide for a sustainable, balanced and supportable future have been discussed and in conclusion, some solutions and recommendations have been presented
