The Components of Effective Leadership in Mmilitary Organizations of Iran: A Grounded Theory Study

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Isfahan,

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Isfahan

3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Isfahan,

4 Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan


Effective leadership is one of the major determinant factors of organizational success in military organizations.  In this research, using the qualitative research methods of grounded theory, the main components of effective leadership have been outlined. The data gathered through in-depth interviews with 18 commanders of a rapid-response unit of the Islamic Republic of Iran's army. The participants that commanded the military units during the Holy Defense were selected through a purposeful and theoretical sampling method. The findings reveal that efficient military leaders had a spiritual, intellectual, and mature character. The military leaders were affected by personal, organizational, and social factors and believed in the ideology of self-sacrifice. Next, they adopted appropriate behavioral strategies like acting according to principles, building trust, creating constructive interactive space, comprehensively empowering subordinates, and effective persuasion and functional influence. The outcomes of effective leaders’ behavioral strategies were the fulfillment of personal and organizational goals like the job and organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and ultimately military victory. The findings of this study can be used by military and private organizations to recruit, train, and develop leadership plans.


Main Subjects

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