The Scrutiny of Barriers Pattern in Implementation of Meta-policies on Fighting Against Drugs in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper




Among the important issues in the field of social damages are the addiction and drugs. This study carried out with the aim of identifying the obstacles of the execution of public policies in the filled of fighting against drugs, declared by supreme leader in the course of the pathology to implement public policies. Therefore 18 experts were interviewed applying case study strategy. Based on the thematic analysis, a thematic network of the obstacles to implement the meta-policies in fighting against drugs emerged. Findings of this research indicate that actors, process, structure, and the context of making policies had played the main role in implementations of the policies. In the next step, the elements of the thematic network were arranged in the framework of CIPP and the relations between them. In this pattern, meta-policies on fighting against drugs in inputs, actors, processes, and the structure of making policies within processing and the context of making policies were placed. Eventually, the nonefficient performance of meta-policies in fighting against drugs is regarded as an outcome of this pattern.


