Struggle for Recognition: A Missing Motivation in International Relations


While mainstream paradigms for theorization in international relations;
have shown disregard for the concept of recognition as the need to be seen;
and accepted, struggle for recognition as an analytical mechanism, has;
provided better understanding of behavior of governments and their;
motivational structure. The struggle for recognition in international relations;
means that international players behave on the basis of their various needs;
to be recognized. Those needs may range from recognition as a sovereign;
state to struggle for being recognized for special characteristics.;
International players, thus, try to have their identity and position recognized;
in order to have a deeper sense of self-confidence, dignity and contentment.;
This paper relies on research findings on the struggle for recognition in;
international relations to review the nature of the concept of recognition;
before focusing on the struggle for recognition in international relations and;
conditions under which that struggle takes place. At the end, the author;
resorts to Social Identity Theory (SIT) in order to expound quality of the struggle for recognition and provide better understanding of the behavior of;
middle-ranking powers.
